Let's Collaborate!


As a Collaborator at #GCS24, your organization and brand will be part of the major aspects of this landmark event.

This will entitle your organization to a high profile throughout the event. This unique opportunity enables your brand to demonstrate their support and commitment to effective communication, innovation and technology within the Kingdom community base.

Those who attend this event and those in the media market will associate your brand with restoring the relevance of creative communication to the growth of the Kingdom.

You will also enjoy a value-added partnership with the following exclusive benefits:

  • You get the opportunity to host a session that establishes you as an authority in the creative communication, technology and marketing industry.  
  • Be a part of history and in the news as you engage in the improvement of structure for key gospel messages.
  • Be listed as part of the conference sponsor. Your company’s corporate image will be featured prominently throughout our publicity to create a brand impression in the eye of the public
  • Opportunity to make presentations to a global audience on event day
  • Company logo prominently positioned in the event hall to be recognized for what you do on a day-to-day basis
  • Allocation of Prime Spots for your Promotional Booth at the Venue.
  • Company brochure distributed to event delegates
  • Company logo featured in the Program leaflet
  • Opportunity to provide a sponsor-supplied ‘promotional item’ to each guest if desired (other than those already covered by other sponsors)


GLOBAL CHURCH SUMMIT brings together leading church communicators and marketing minds with real-world decision-making power. These leaders tackle pressing issues in church creative communication and media technology, fostering collaboration and generating solutions that benefit everyone.

With this goal in mind, we invite our community to contribute to the #GCS24 programming.

The 2024 Theme



We offer three unique formats for you to contribute: Speedy Presentations, Workshops, and Campfire Sessions. Each format fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange around the central theme: “High-Definition Influencing”.

Individual Contributor:

  • Share your expertise! Propose a response to the “High-Definition Influencing” theme for a Speedy Presentation, Workshop, or Campfire session.
  • Thematic clusters: Similar proposals will be grouped to avoid redundancy. We may ask you to adjust your focus to fit with others in your group.
  • One proposal per person: Focus on a single, strong idea per speaker. Contributing to multiple sessions is unlikely.
  • Institutions: Only one contributor per organization is likely to be selected to allow for broader participation. Coordinate proposals within your institution.
  • Contributor fees: All individual contributors are required to pay a participation fee (N100,000 | $100). Global Church Summit does not cover speaker expenses (travel, accommodation, etc.).

Session Proposal (Full Session – 30 minutes):

  • Gather your team: Provisionally confirm speaker availability and willingness to pay the contributor fee.
  • Diverse perspectives: Include speakers from various backgrounds (nationality, gender, etc.) for rich discussion.
  • Interactive format: Utilize audience knowledge and available tools to create an engaging experience.
  • Content and format control: The Global Church Summit team reserves the right to adjust the session based on speaker availability and overall program coherence.

Workshop Facilitator (30 minutes):

  • Focus on audience engagement: Design an interactive workshop equipping attendees with practical skills and knowledge.
  • Dynamic facilitators: We seek engaging individuals leading discussions on relevant topics (communication, marketing, social media, etc.).
  • Proposal evaluation criteria:
    • Learning activities (presentations, discussions, group exercises) – We encourage variety!
    • Session choreography (format breakdown with timings)
    • Innovative and interactive format utilizing delegate knowledge and available tools
    • Pre-work requirements for attendees (if any)
    • Clear learning outcomes for the workshop
    • Materials you plan to use
    • Ability to facilitate the session independently or with support
  • Workshop facilitator fee: A participation fee of N50,000 | $50 applies to all workshop facilitators as per the terms and conditions.
  • Workshop topics: Focus on Communications & Marketing, Social Media, Design, Technology, or Leadership.



Global Church Summit seeks to create a platform of community for Church communication engagement regardless of denominational or doctrinal boundaries, in order to foster Kingdom growth, influence and impact.

We are committed to creating an enabling platform that encourages and grows engaging and meaningful experiences.

Your brand has the incredible opportunity to power these experiences for attendees. Let’s collaborate and work together to achieve your company’s goals.